Annual Fall Meeting Maritime Anti-Corruption Network
October 30th and 31st Solvang participated at the annual Maritime Anti-Corruption Network meeting in London. The meeting covered a mix of plenary sessions and working group activities. On collective action, the following relevant topics were discussed: To expand and deepen our impact in Nigeria, MACN has received a four-year funding grant from the Danish Ministry…

October 30th and 31st Solvang participated at the annual Maritime Anti-Corruption Network meeting in London. The meeting covered a mix of plenary sessions and working group activities.
On collective action, the following relevant topics were discussed:
- To expand and deepen our impact in Nigeria, MACN has received a four-year funding grant from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Together with the local government and the industry, our aim is to further raise awareness and incentivize adoption of new procedures both locally and for the industry, to endorse and use tools developed to ‘say no’ and report corrupt demands so further investigations can take place locally. In this meeting, members discussed and agreed on how they can best engage in the next steps for Nigeria.
- Reflections shared on the Suez Canal, including opportunities to strengthen integrity in the Suez Canal, what has worked, and where the industry can improve. The agreed 2020 action plan highlights what we can do within the membership, in Egypt locally, and what we should do more in our wider industry.
- The MACN Secretariat presented the initial mapping of challenges in Ukraine and summarized the work that has been done to-date for members. We also focused on the latest changes in ballast water inspection, confirming the main challenges faced by members and that these challenges continue despite senior political commitment made locally to mitigate some of the risks.
Some stats about MACN:
- 30 percent of the world fleet
- 50 percent by 2025
- 165 participants
- Partnership framework IMO
- 80/20 shipowners and other players
- 32 000 incidents in the MACN database
- The group is working towards setting collective action an internationally recognized standard in curbing corrupt activities
For information about MACN, please follow their page on Facebook or check out the web page:
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