Rules and regulations outlook

IMO environmental legislation

The SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) and AER (Annual Efficiency Ratio) make the main regulatory changes to international shipping also in 2022.

- April 1, 2022: Procedures for sampling and verification of the sulphur content of fuel oil and the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)

- Nov 1, 2022: Annual efficiency ratio (AIR) deployed to ships over 50 tonnes, requiring a SEEMP (ship energy efficiency management plan) for each vessel.

- As from Jan 1, 2023, it will be mandatory for all ships to calculate EEXI and start collecting data for the annual carbon intensity indicator (CII), resulting in an AER (Annual Efficiency Ratio) from A (the best) to E.

EU environmental legislation

The EU’s continues its path toward cutting emissions by 55 % by 2030.

- The European Trading System (ETS) Directive includes all intra-EU emissions from shipping in the EU MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2) regulation. Requires CO2 emission credits to cover minimum 50% of voyages arriving in or departing from the EU. Starts with 20% in 2023.

- As from 2025, the FuelEU Maritime Regulation will include all energy used on board ships in a new well-to-wake GHG footprint regulation. Covers methane and NOx in addition to CO2, granting emission credits for energy generated on board. The GHG footprint should improve by 2% in 2025 relative to 2020, and by 75% in 2050.

- The Energy taxation directive (ETD) is set to excise appr. €37 per tonne of conventional fuels used between EU ports, exempting international bunker for extra-EU voyages. The LNG tax will hit €0.6/GJ. Alternative fuels will be tax exempt for a ten-year period.