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The world’s first onboard carbon capture on voyage

After receiving MNOK 78 in Norwegian government climate fund support, Clipper Eris makes a first launch of full-scale onboard CCS, highlighting Solvang’s pathfinder mission in climate technology for deepsea shipping.

Corporate Governance in Solvang

Reliable control mechanisms sustained at company top-level constitute Solvang’s principal governance structure, and warrant of our values. Meet the Chairman Michael Steensland-Brun (right), Christian Frustøl and Ellen Solstad in Solvang’s Board of Director’s.

Collective action against corruption

The far-reaching torrents of misconduct can only be mitigated by consistently dismissing proposals and reporting the incidents.

Highlights 2023: Massive ECO upgrades during dry-dockings

11 vessels were dry-docked due to scheduled classing and certification during 2023. All vessels achieved EEXI certification after installing EPL (engine power limitation), sandblasting and hull anti-fouling treatment, Mewis Ducts installed (9 vessels), as well as full drivetrain optimization on four of the vessels.

The green future of conventional Fuels

After 12 years of experimentation, research and development, Solvang and partners present a game changing technology: The shipboard carbon capture system.

Positive effects from international shipping

International shipping brings people together from all parts of the world. Solvang is a good example of this.

A long voyage towards discovery

After 12 years of experimentation, research and development, Solvang and our partners present a game changer technology: The shipboard carbon capture system.