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Newbuilds: Expanding Solvang’s Panamax VLGC fleet

Seven new VLGCs, all settled on long-term charters, will expand Solvang’s Panamax capacity in the LPG segment from delivery in 2026 and 2027. All vessels will boost climate performance as they come ready for onboard carbon capture.

Innovation: Tech partnerships pay off

Live testing conditions make Solvang an attractive technology partner across several fields of maritime development. In 2023, projects in and outside of dry docking demonstrated a high outcome in terms of energy efficiency. The results span from propulsion drivetrain optimization, to friction-limitation by hull improvement, through to exhaust cleaning and last – but not least – part load optimization and operational improvement. Solvang’s Fleet Director Tor Øyvind Ask offers and account of which measures really make a difference in deep-sea green technology.

Freedom to blow the whistle

A culture of confidence, personal integrity and high quality is the documented effect of trusting our employees on all levels. Solvang allows employees to report incidents without fear of backlash. HR Director Kjetil Meling explains why.

Eco performance: Emissions down 19 % – capacity up 25 %

Solvang’s energy efficiency show a significant improvement over the last 15 years. While total fleet deadweight has increased 15.6 percent, cargo capacity is up by 25.3 percent. In the same period, environmental technology such as exhaust gas scrubbing, hull, propeller and drivetrain optimization, as well as operational excellence – achieved 18.7 percent emission cuts on our vessels.

Finances: Ballasted for stormy weather

Calm seas don’t train skilful sailors. Solvang spent years building a buffer to sail our stakeholders’ assets to port in any weather, according to Solvang’s CFO Egil Fjogstad.

Corporate Governance in Solvang

Reliable control mechanisms sustained at company top-level constitute Solvang’s principal governance structure, and warrant of our values. Meet the Chairman Michael Steensland-Brun (right), Christian Frustøl and Ellen Solstad in Solvang’s Board of Director’s.

Captain Paiton: A relationship to have and to hold

Solvang’s crew describe their ships and sailing mates in words of affection. Captain Iriz Paiton goes even further.

Solvang’s people: We want you, we need you

From the cadet to the chairman, Solvang is people propelled by mutual respect, team spirit and quality, according to HR Director Kjetil Meling.

Ydesia Mallari: Growing as a seafarer

TIP FROM THE CREW: Staying enthusiastic about company core values and heeding for your profession – that’s Ydesia Mallari’s best tip for growing as a seafarer.

A powerful diverse culture

Worldwide operations allows Solvang to spread the word – of mutual respect, team spirit and quality across markets, regions and cultures.

Meet Kathrine (27), 3rd Officer on Clipper Posh

CARREER IN SOLVANG: When Kathrine stepped out of her comfort zone and entered the Philippines Cadet Program, she got to know Solvang. Here, she discovered a highly supportive environment opening a path to a better life – for Kathrine herself and for her family.

Expanding supply chain management

Solvang’s main office in Stavanger hired two new supply chain officers, substantially expanding the company’s capacity to safeguard and optimize purchases throughout the operation. Supply chain manager Tanja Hunshamar Øvrebø continues to head the purchases division.

Highlights 2023: Massive ECO upgrades during dry-dockings

11 vessels were dry-docked due to scheduled classing and certification during 2023. All vessels achieved EEXI certification after installing EPL (engine power limitation), sandblasting and hull anti-fouling treatment, Mewis Ducts installed (9 vessels), as well as full drivetrain optimization on four of the vessels.

The green future of conventional Fuels

After 12 years of experimentation, research and development, Solvang and partners present a game changing technology: The shipboard carbon capture system.